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বাংলাদেশ পরমাণু কৃষি গবেষণা ইনস্টিটিউট গণপ্রজাতন্ত্রী বাংলাদেশ সরকার
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সর্ব-শেষ হাল-নাগাদ: ২০ ফেব্রুয়ারি ২০২৫

কৃষি অর্থনীতি বিভাগ


বিভাগের পরিচিতি

বাংলাদেশের কৃষকের মুখে ফসলের হাসি ফোটানোর প্রত্যয়ে বাংলাদেশ পরমাণু কৃষি গবেষণা ইনস্টিটিউট (বিনা)-এ ২০১২ সালে প্রতিষ্ঠিত হয়েছে কৃষি অর্থনীতি বিভাগ। উক্ত বিভাগে বিনা উদ্ভাবিত জাত ও প্রযুক্তিসমূহের কৃষকের মাঠে আর্থ-সামাজিক প্রভাব মূল্যায়ণ, লাভজনকতা, গ্রহনযোগ্যতা, বাজারজাতকরণে সমস্যা নির্ণয়, ফলণ পার্থক্য, ভ্যালু-চেইন ইত্যাদি গবেষণা করা হয়।




মুখ্য বৈজ্ঞানিক কর্মকর্তা
প্রধান বৈজ্ঞানিক কর্মকর্তা
ঊর্ধ্বতন বৈজ্ঞানিক কর্মকর্তা 
বৈজ্ঞানিক কর্মকর্তা 





Conduction and promotion of socio-economic research on agricultural production, adoption, yield gap, risk and uncertainty, resource use and technical efficiencies in crop production, estimate economic as well as financial profitability and marketing of different varieties/technologies developed by BINA. Monitoring, appraisal and evaluation the development projects of BINA regarding variety development and expansion.

Activities of the division

Scientists   of   Agricultural   Economics division are doing different research and giving information to different scientists, policy makers and extension agents through socio-economic impact study of BINA developed varieties and technologies. Identify yield gap, value chain and constraints   to   widespread   adoption   of   BINA developed varieties and technologies

Research Achievement

As a new division, the following findings were published from the year 2013-18.

Profitability analysis revealed that cultivation of BINA developed varieties like Binadhan-5, Binadhan-7, Binadhan-8, Binadhan-10, Binadhan-11, Binadhan-14, Binachinabadam-4; Binatil-1, Binatil-2 & Binatil-3, Binasoybean-2, Binasarisha-4, Binasarisha-9, Binamoog-8 and Binamasur-5 are profitable. The average Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR) of these varieties is greater than one, indicating cultivation of those varieties is profitable (Table-1).

The average yield of Binadhan-5 is good (6.1 t ha-1). The net return was highest in Rangpur, (Tk. 30665 ha-1) followed by Bhola (Tk. 24650 ha-1), Sherpur (Tk. 20147 ha-1), Sylhet (Tk. 17291 ha-1), Satkhira (Tk. 17681 ha-1) and B.Baria (Tk. 15791 ha-1), respectively. On an average, the Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR) is 1.85, which means that Binadhan-5 growers benefited of Tk. 0.85 for each Taka spent.


Table 1: Yield, Net Return and Benefit Cost Ratio of BINA developed potential varieties among the study areas during 2013-18.



(t ha-1)

Net Return

(tk ha-1)
Benefit Cost Ratio
Binadhan-5 6.10 21037.00 1.85
Binadhan-7 4.41 21749.26 1.88
Binadhan-8 4.92 20205.12 1.33
Binadhan-10 5.45 31174.80 1.49
Binadhan-11 4.25 26026.50 1.58
Binadhan-14 5.60 36666. 37 1.45
Binadhan-17 5.79 34207.56 1.47
Binadhan-19 4.90 24591.00 1.37
Binachinabadam-4 2.01 52304.77 2.04
Binatil-1 1.15 13869.42 1.44
Binatil-2 1.30 18743.81 1.64
Binatil-3 1.38 23412.57 1.48
Binasoybean-2 2.42 30949.72 1.99
Binasarisha-4 1.60 29113.00 1.71
Binasarisha-9 1.40 22278.34 1.50
Binamoog-8 1.80 37841.44 1.96
Binamasur-5 1.79 5240.29 1.86


Binadhan-7 showed best short duration mega HYV variety in the country. The per hectare average yield, net return and BCR was 4.41 ton, Tk. 21749.26 and 1.88, respectively. Farmers can harvest Binadhan-7 within 112 days which was earlier than BRRI dhan33 (118 days) and can cultivate rabi crops like potato, cabbage, mustard etc. This variety plays dominant role to ‘Monga’ mitigation in the northern part of Bangladesh.


Binadhan-8, a salt tolerant rice variety is profitable. The per hectare average yield, net return and BCR was 4.92 ton, Tk. 20205.12 and 1.33, respectively in the study areas. The net return was highest in Bagerhat followed by sathkhira and khulna.


Salt tolerant rice variety Binadhan-10 exhibited utmost performance and highest producing variety in the southern belt of Bangladesh. The per hectare average yield, net return and BCR was 5.45 ton, Tk. 31174.80 and 1.49, respectively indicating cultivation of the variety is profitable.


The adoption level of salt tolerant rice varieties Binadhan-8 and Binadhan-10 cultivation in coastal saline areas is increasing day by day.


Impact of salt tolerant rice varieties cultivation    study showed that average change of farmer’s income among the study areas was 16.81%.


Binadhan-11, submergence tolerant rice variety also showed good performance. It can survive up to 10-20 days in water lodging condition. The average yield of the variety in farmers field was 4.25 ton per hectare in normal condition and 3.6 ton per hectare in water logging condition (10-20 days).


Binadhan-14 cultivation was profitable. The average yield was 5.60 ton per hectare. The average net return per hectare was Tk. 36666. The net return was highest in Magura (Tk. 46781 ha-1) followed by Cumilla (Tk. 35928 ha-1), Rangpur (Tk. 33316 ha-1) and Mymensingh (Tk. 30637 ha-1), respectively. The average BCR was estimated at 1.45 and 2.02 on full cost and variable cost basis implying that the Binadhan-14 cultivation at farm level was profitable.


Binadhan-17 is a green super aman rice variety that required less amounts of fertilizer and irrigation. The per hectare average yield, net return and BCR was 5.79 ton, Tk. 34207.56 and 1.47, respectively.


Binadhan-19 is a drought tolerant aus rice variety showed better performance in the northern areas in the country. The per hectare average yield, net return and BCR was 4.90 ton, Tk. 24591.00 and 1.37, respectively.


Analysis of resource use efficiency of groundnut variety Binachinabadan-4 indicates that higher return can be obtained by appropriate crop management and application of fertilizer.


Status of Binatil cultivation is good. The demand for white variety and black variety of Binatil is increasing day by day both in native country and abroad especially China, Australia and European countries, respectively. On average, we are consuming 47% and exporting 53% of the total production of Binatil 1 & 2.


Binatil-3 production was profitable. The per hectare average yield of Binatil-3 was 1.38 ton, and net return was Tk. 23412.57. The net return was highest in Kushtia (Tk. 33149.58 ha-1) followed by Magura (Tk. 25318.01 ha-1), Jhenaidah (Tk. 23824.76 ha-1), Faridpur (Tk. 19362.44 ha-1) and Madaripur  (Tk. 14511.05 ha-1), respectively. The average BCR was estimated at 1.48 and 2.16 on full cost and cash cost basis implying that the Binatil-3 cultivation was highly profitable at farm level.

Binamoog-8 production in the study areas is profitable. The per hectare average yield, net return and BCR was 1.80 ton, Tk. 37841.44 and 1.96, respectively. About 59% of Binamoog-8 farmers could achieve 88.5% of technical efficiency implying that they could increase mungbean productivity through increasing their technical efficiencies in many issues, such as age, education and farming experience.


Binasoybean-2 production farmers received higher return on their investment in the study area. The per hectare average yield, net return and BCR was 2.42 ton, Tk. 30949.72 and 1.99, respectively.


Binasarisha-4 production in the study areas is profitable. The net return was highest in Magura (Tk. 33060 ha-1) followed by Kushtia (Tk. 32195 ha-1), Jashore (Tk. 28227 ha-1) and Faridpur (Tk. 22970 ha-1), respectively. The average BCR was estimated at 1.71 and 2.65 on full cost and variable cost basis implying that the  Binasarisha-4 cultivation at farm level was highly profitable.


Binasarisha-9 shows good performance among the study areas. The average yield of Binasarisha-9 is 1.40 t ha-1. The average net return per hectare was Tk. 22278.34. The net return was highest in Rangpur  (Tk. 30334.53 ha-1) followed by Sherpur (Tk. 20771.68 ha-1), and Mymensingh (Tk. 16519.40 ha-1), respectively.


Binamasur-5 production in the study areas is profitable. Lentil farmers received high return on its investment. The net return of Binamasur-5 were highest in Magura district (Tk. 60267.66 ha-1), followed by Faridpur (Tk. 53652.75 ha-1), Jashore (Tk.53404.03 ha-1), Pabna (Tk. 50335.25 ha-1) and Kushtia (Tk. 46860.81 ha-1), respectively. The average BCR was estimated at 1.86 on full cost basis representing cultivation was positive and encouraging to the farmers.


Yield gap of rice varieties i. e Aman (Binadhan-7 & Binadhan-11), and Boro (Binadhan-10)oilseed varieties i.e. Binasarisha-4 and Binasoybean-2, pulse variety i. e Binamoog-8 are shown in Table-2.


The average yield gap of Binadhan-10 & Binadhan-11 are 1.67 (26.92%) and 1.52 (29.76%) ton per hectare, respectively. There is much scope for yield enhancement of the variety.


In case of rice, the highest total gap was seen in Boro varieties Binadhan-10 i.e 1.67 ton per hectare followed by Aman varieties Binadhan-11 i. e. 1.52 ton per hectare and 1.00 ton per hectare for Binadhan-7.

Table 2: Yield Gap of BINA developed potential varieties among the study areas during 2013-18.

Varieties Yield Gap-I
 (t ha-1)

Yield Gap-II

(t ha-1)

Total Gap

 (t ha-1)
Binadhan-7 0.46 0.54 1.00
Binadhan-10 0.69 0.99 1.67
Binadhan-11 0.69 0.83 1.52
Binasarisha-4 0.08 0.20 0.28
Binasoybean-2 0.08 0.40 0.48
Binamoog-8 0.05 0.22 0.27
Binachinabadam-4 0.08 0.20 0.28


In case of oil seed varieties, it was the highest for Binasoybean-2 i.e. 0.48 ton per hectare than Binasarisha-4 & Binachinabadam-4 i. e 0.28 ton per hectare among the three varieties. In case of Binamoog-8, total gap was 0.27 ton per hectare.

Yield gap of different varieties developed by BINA are shown graphically in Figure-1. The below mentioned line graph shows the yield gap of three crops i. e. rice, oilseed and pulse which were done in different year in different locations.


Fig 1: Yield gap of BINA developed different crop varieties.

The green line indicates total gap and it was highest for Binadahan-10 i.e. 1.67 ton per hectare and lowest for Binamoog-8 i.e. 0.27 ton per hectare.

The red line indicates Yield gap II and it was also highest for Binadahan-10 i.e. 0.99 ton per hectare but lowest for Binasarisha-4 i.e. 0.20 ton per hectare.

The blue line indicates Yield gap I and it was also same for Binadahan-10 & Binadahan-11 i.e. 0.69 ton per hectare but lowest for Binamoog-8 i.e. 0.05 ton per hectare. The total gap indicates that there is more scope for enhance the productivity of the described crops.

Future plan

1. Socio-economic studies and impact assessment of BINA developed improved varieties & technologies,

2. Financial and Economical Profitability analysis, Adoption and Estimate different Resource use efficiency measures.

3. Examine value chain analysis, the yield gap, risk and uncertainty of mutant varieties/technologies and their remedial measures at farm level.

4. Identify economically profitable varieties & technologies to farmers for adoption of climate change;

5. Evaluate effect of transferred technologies to increase production and livelihood improvement of farmers;

6. Monitor the marketing, management, extension, determine & forecast for variety development, stability by using descriptive and inferential statistics, economic, formula and model for situation analysis.

7. Generate information and address the researchable issues through farm level investigations of different varieties/ technologies to suggest guidelines for researchers and policy makers.